Friday, August 24, 2007

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Blogger tag adder user script

Blogger tag adder user script

Yes, another tag adder for Blogger. So, no credit for the idea. In my opinion there were small things missing in existing scripts. That's why I created my own script. Editing and styling tags where the most important to me.

Features of my Blogger tag adder (0.3.1) user script for Greasemonkey:

  • Tags can easily be modified on existing or draft posts as they are read back into the tag input field!
  • Tags are placed in a unordered list, which make them easy to style!
  • You can easily add sites to tag.
  • Separate tags using a comma.

Example of the generated HTML (in case of Technorati tags):

Example of CSS to use to get the tags next to each other:



Update it to work on the restyled BlogThis!.


You can use this on BlogThis! as well now.


Added support for compose mode editing.


Fixed it to work with Greasemonkey 0.6.4.


Updated to work with my form data rescue script.


Fixed it to work with Greasemonkey 0.5.1. The fix in version 0.2.1 was no good.


Added tabindex.


Initial version.

source: blogger tag adder user script


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Thursday, August 23, 2007

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New AdSense earnings tool software

Here is a brand new AdSense tool that can drive your AdSense earnings through the roof…helping you discover the hidden high-paying clicks, locking in on the best traffic-pulling links, and instantly eliminating money-making errors.

The owner of the site, Matt Callen, just gave me permission to give you the link directly to the software page so you can get access to this software at the insanely low introductory price.

==> CLICK HERE for adspy

It is no secret that there is a lot of money to be made with AdSense - but there is also a lot of money to be lost…IF you do not know which ads are generating you the most money!

I do not want to waste too much time with this message, explaining all of the awesome details about this software, but you should know that you can now drop all the guesswork and discover the exact secrets to cracking the AdSense secrets.

With AdSpyTracker, you can track every single click, where they came from, what ad was clicked…and tons more!

And the best part…the price is so low you can't afford NOT to try it out.

==> CLICK HERE for adspy

This site will explain more of the details. Trust me, this software is great!

I really love this and cannot say enough about it. I hope you like it as much as I do.


==> CLICK HERE for adspy

source: new adsense earnings tool software


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Google Adsence Banner "Exclude Private Forums"

This adsence box if placed below the $navbar code in the FORUMHOME, SHOWTHREAD and FORUMDISPLAY templates. Will show your adsence banners on multiple pages all across your forum.

With this though, you can exclude certain categorys and forum ID's. So the adsence banners will not be displayed in them and get indexed in Google. If you have configured a certain category and forum boards in it to be private for staff viewing only. And have configured them to not be listed in the forums search and jump menu. You can use this code below to exclude banners from them.

The numbers you see highlighted in RED are the category and forum ID's that you exclude the adsence banners from being displayed in.

For example, I have a private category that contains 3 forums in it. So the example above shows how I exclude the adsence banner from being displayed in that category and the forums in it.



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SVG + JavaScript

SVG is way to describe graphics in XML format. I have been playing around with it lately hoping to use it to add graphs to Adsense Notifier. But graphs, as useful as they can be, are terribly boring. So I have started to see just how far I can push SVG and what it will let me do.

In order to view the files, you will either need an SVG plug-in for IE, or versions of Firefox 1.5 and above have native support (another excuse to try the browser everyone is talking about!).
Both examples below use JavaScript and the SVG DOM to create the XML on the fly. I don’t think that either of these are what the intended use of SVG is for, but then what fun things are? Another neat thing to note, is that the text with the SVG and JavaScript is about 1/3 the size of the thumbnails.

3d SVG Thumbnail
“3d” SVG Example.
- This example makes a faux 3d field of cubes and shows off using onmouseover effects and transparency.

Fire Demo Thumbnail
Animated Fire Example
- Recreates the Fire effect used in many BBS Demos way back when. Creates both the field of boxes, as well as the animated Fire effect on the fly.

Feel free to view the source and play around with them, even though they are only snippets I have released them under the GPL license. Let me know if you make anything fun with them!

Further resources:
Croczilla SVG Samples
Mozilla SVG Project



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More SVG Fun

I have been playing around with SVG a bit more, and here is my latest test.

When Google Finance came out, I was really impressed by the interface and graphing and wanted to try to replicate that in SVG (for eventual inclusion in Adsense Notifier.

As in my last SVG Demos I have only tested this inside of Firefox, so it may or may not work with the Adobe plug-in.

SVG Graph Test
SVG Example Graphing Demo
- The top blue box is draggable and expandable - although currently you have to grab it on the exact last pixel of either side to do the expansion, but this is just a test so you can’t complain ;)



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Adsense Notifier

Displays your Adsense earnings on the Firefox statusbar.

UPDATE Dec 02, 2006: An updated version that fixes the recent Google stats display error has be uploaded.

Install Adsense Notifier (version 0.9.3)
Release Date: 2006/12/02

Adsense Notifier simply shows your adsense stats on the status bar and updates the stats automatically. This is wonderful for anyone with OCD ( or GAD as some have called it ) who needs to check their stats every three seconds to see if they have gotten any more clicks :-p

Version Notes:
- Google updated how money is displayed for Arabic, Finnish, French, and Russian causing stats to display incorrectly for those languages.
- Moved around the options to better fit on smaller screens

Thank you to all the users of Adsense Notifier for the praise and feedback that you have given me. Please consider linking to if you do use this extension. Also, I am also looking for users to help translate Adsense Notifier to the languages supported by Google for Adsense. Please contact me if you are interested in providing a translation of Adsense Notifier.

Adsense Notifier Preview

Adsense Notifier is highly configurable and should be useful for everyone that uses adsense.



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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

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Displaying different images according to time

Displaying different images according to time
Credit: By George Chiang, host

Description: The following script will display a different image onto your webpage, depending on whether it's mourning or night. (Note: Mourning is from 12 am to 12 pm)

Directions: Simply cut and paste the following script anywhere with the tags. Please remember to change the gifs to yours.


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Different background image according to time of day

Different background image according to time of day

Description: A simple script that changes the background image of the document four times a day, depending on the time period. The periods are : 12pm to 4am, 4am to 12am, 12am to 6pm, and 6pm to 12pm.

Directions: Insert the below into the


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"Depressible" image links

"Depressible" image links
By George Chiang, host

Description: This script will make any image link depressible. Note that you will need an alternate image to display when the image is depressed.

Directions: Step 1: Copy these two images onto your hd by "right clicking" them, and choosing "save as".

Step 2: Insert this into the tags, changing the parts in red, if you're using your own images.

Step 3: Finally, insert this into your tags, changing the parts in red, if you wish.

If you want multiple depressible images within one page, simply repeat steps 2 and 3 for each depressible image. When repeating step 3, be sure to change the part in blue ('example') to another unique name each time.


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Day-of-the-week image displayer

Day-of-the-week image displayer

Credit: JavaScript Kit

Description: A script that displays a different image according to the day of the week (ie: one image for Monday, one image for Tuesday etc).

Example: (For the sake of simplicity, bullets are used).

Directions: Simply insert the below into the of your page: Simply change the path of the images in "mondayimg", tuesdayimg" etc to your own.

Many large sites on the internet use similar scripts to display an image that spells out the current day of the week, ie Cnet.

Copyright © 1997-2007 JavaScript Kit. NO PART may be reproduced without author's permission.


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Click banner enticer script

Click banner enticer script

Credit: JavaScript Kit

Description: Use this script on your advertising banner to increase click thru rate! It randomly chooses from a pool of "motivational" messages to show in the status bar when the surfer moves her mouse over the banner. This script can also be used if you wish to "hide" the URL of the ad banner...


Step 1: Paste the below code into the section of your page. Change the messages to your own:

Step 2: Finally, add the following onMouseover and onMouseout command to your ad banner, as shown in the below code:


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Background Music Script

Background Music Script

Credit: JK

Description: Liven up your webpage with music, using this cross browser background music script. Note that the visitor's browser must have the appropriate midi plugin installed in order to hear it (default download with full install of both NS and IE).


Directions: Simply insert the below into the section of your page. Be sure to configure the URL to the music file inside the script:


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Arrow onMouseover

Description: This script displays an arrow image alongside the link when you move your cursor over the link. Furthermore, the arrow blinks while the mouse is over it. Nice visual effect.


Dynamic Drive


Step 1: The following code is to be placed between .

Step 2: Here is the code for a link using the array´s. If you want more than one link, then copy this code and change all IMAGE01 to IMAGE02 Then just add one number for additional links (eg. IMAGE03, IMAGE04 etc.)

You'll also want to download the two arrow images, on.gif and off.gif (right click and choose "save as").


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Random Banner script

Credit: Omega

Description: A script that will load a random banner with the corresponding link and text link (out of three possible banners in this example).

Directions: Simply insert the below into the


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Monday, August 20, 2007

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ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware

With ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware You Get:

Network and Program Firewall.
Delivers proactive firewall protection with multiple layers of security that stop inbound, outbound, and program attacks while remaining completely invisible to hackers.

Operating System Firewall (OSFirewall™) .
Protects your Windows operating system from attacks all the way down to its core.

Powerful Anti-Spyware.
Scans for and removes thousands of spyware traces from your computer.

SmartDefense™ Service.
Provides your PC with real-time security updates and new attack protection capabilities.

Email Security.
Quarantines suspicious attachments to help defend against unknown viruses; automatically halts outbound messages to keep you from accidentally infecting others.

Wireless PC Protection.
Automatically detects wireless networks and secures your PC from hackers and other Internet threats wherever you're connected - at home or on the road.

Price: USD 29.95
Download, License key
Windows 2000, Windows XP
File Size:
Full version: 12.6 MB
Download Time:
Full version
  • 56k: ~29 Min.
  • DSL/Cable: ~2 Min.
  • T1: ~1 Min.

    Click here buy Or

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    ZoneAlarm Antivirus

    Price: USD 19.95

    Shipment: Download, License key

    Platform: Windows 2000, Windows XP

    Version: 6.5

    Language: English

    Option: Backup CD [Info]
    Extended Download (Duration: 12 months) [Info]

    File Size: Full version: 15.8 MB

    Download Time: Full version

  • 56k: ~37 Min.
  • DSL/Cable: ~3 Min.
  • T1: ~1 Min.Click here buy Or

    With ZoneAlarm Antivirus You Get:

    Powerful Antivirus Protection.
    Stops viruses, worms, Trojan horse, and identity-theft tools and protects against emerging viruses before they attack.

    Network and Program Firewall. Delivers proactive firewall protection with multiple layers of security that stop inbound, outbound, and program attacks while remaining completely invisible to hackers.
    Operating System Firewall (OSFirewall™). Protects your Windows operating system from attacks all the way down to its core.

    SmartDefense™ Service.
    Provides your PC with real-time security updates and new attack protection capabilities.

    Email Security.
    Quarantines suspicious attachments to help defend against unknown viruses; automatically halts outbound messages to keep you from accidentally infecting others.

    Wireless PC Protection.
    Automatically detects wireless networks and secures your PC from hackers and other Internet threats wherever you're connected - at home or on the road.

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    ZoneAlarm Pro

    Price: USD 39.95
    Shipment: Download, License key
    Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows ME
    Backup CD [Info]
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    File Size:
    Full version: 13.1 MB
    Download Time:
    Full version
  • 56k: ~30 Min.
  • DSL/Cable: ~2 Min.
  • T1: ~1 Min.
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    With ZoneAlarm Pro You Get:

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    Operating System Firewall (OSFirewall™) . Protects your Windows operating system from attacks all the way down to its core.

    Anti-Spyware. Scans for and removes thousands of spyware traces from your computer.

    SmartDefense™ Service. Provides your PC with real-time security updates and new attack protection capabilities.

    Identity Theft Protection. Secures your private information on your PC, on the Internet, and in the physical world. Free services help you discover and recover from identity theft.

    Email Security. Quarantines suspicious email attachments and blocks outbound messages containing potential viruses.

    Automatic Wireless Security. Automatically detects wireless networks and secures your PC from hackers and other Internet threats.

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    RoboForm has thousands of happy affiliates and our software has been downloaded over 11 million times. What's the key to our affiliate program success?
    It's Easy - We provide you with all the tools you need to be successful including any banner creative, text link examples, etc.
    It's Fast - It takes two minutes to sign-up. You can start earning commissions today.
    JOIN NOW or Free Download here or Order

    Free Download

    It's Reliable - Our tracking system is so good, that many multi-million dollar companies rely on us to report revenue earned. You will have access to online reporting.
    It's Trusted - Our software is adware and spyware free. We have an impeccable reputation and have been recommended by a Who's Who of the media including PC Magazine, CNET, and the Wall Street Journal.
    It's Generous - Our payouts can be as high as a 30% revenue share for every sale. Plus, you generate income for each and every sale you drive.
    It's Flexible - We offer a variety of programs to fit your needs ranging from a 30% revenue share (or $9.00 per RoboForm PRO user) to being paid for every free RoboForm download.

    It's as easy as 1-2-3 to get started.
    Step 1 - You sign up for our program and we provide you with sample banners, tracking links and instructions.Step 2 - You promote RoboForm and monitor your account activity.Step 3 - We send you a check or transfer funds to your PayPal account at the end of the month. It's really that simple. If for any reason you experience any difficulties, we have a team of customer service representatives ready to help you.
    We have very flexible and generous payment options. You can choose from any of the below payment programs.
    Payment Plan --- Payment Per Free RF Install --- Revenue Share Commission
    Plan 1 ----------- $0.05 -------------------------- 10%
    Plan 2 ----------- $0.03 -------------------------- 20%
    Plan 3 ----------- $0.00 -------------------------- 30%
    We can also customize any plan to fit your needs. Please contact us by e-mail if you can drive 500 or more downloads per day.
    It's very EASY to become a RoboForm affiliate. The process takes less than 5 minutes.
    Step 1 - Go to Affiliate Management System (AMS) New Affiliate form, Step 2 - Fill out the application form and submit it. Step 3 - Wait for your confirmation email and confirm status.
    It's that simple. Join our affiliate program and start making money today.

    Step 1 - Go to Affiliate Management System (AMS), Step 2 - Enter your Affiliate ID and Password (you created them when applying) and click Login.
    Materials That Will Help You Promote RoboForm
    You can use any of these RoboForm banners on a web page that promotes RoboForm.
    You can use RoboForm descriptions and media quotes from our Home Page
    If you are promoting RoboForm to Sweepstakes entrants, you can use some of our promotion copy from our Sweepstakes Page.
    Payout Rules
    Install fee is paid for each qualified installation of RoboForm by a user. Each user is counted only once, so if a user installs RoboForm on one computer 100 times, it will count as one install.
    Commission is computed as percentage of revenue received by Siber Systems from users referred by the Affiliate. The revenue is reduced by amount of refunds, chargebacks and chargeback fees that were applied to users referred by the Affiliate. Users should pay within six months of their original download. All downloads performed on or after February 01, 2003 are eligible. Example: if you refer a user to us, he downloads and installs RoboForm and buys one RoboForm Pro license before Aug 15, 2003 for $29.99 , you will receive $3.00 + $0.05 = $3.05 for this user on the plan 1, $6.03 on the plan 2 and $9 on the plan 3.
    The minimum amount of the check that we send is $50. The minimum amount of the PayPal payment is $30. Unsent amounts will ac*********ulate in your account until the $30/$50 threshold is reached. If you choose to close your account, amounts of $10 or more will be sent.
    We prefer to make payments via PayPal, because it is faster and involves less paperwork. Please indicate that you can accept PayPal by putting your PayPal e-mail into PayPal e-mail field in the registration form.
    We reserve the right to change payment plan to 0c per install plus 30% of revenue for affiliates whose install payments exceed revenue received from them. We reserve the right to cancel affiliate account if we have reasons to believe that affiliate is using prohibited advertising techniques.
    This is how counting of installs occurs. When a user installs RoboForm for the first time, he/she sees a Registration Dialogue that asks for name, email and referrer. When the user clicks OK, he/she is automatically registered on our server even if he/she did not fill in their name or e-mail. Privacy note: we do not collect any data from Identities or Passcards, the data we collect comes from the Registration Dialogue that the user sees only once and it is not related to the data in Identities and Passcards.
    This is how we know that install came from you. When your application is approved, we will send you a link to a copy of the installer file AiRoboForm.exe that was marked with your Affiliate ID. You select your Affiliate ID when registering, it must contain exactly 5 digit/letter characters. You will place a link to this file on your web site. Every user that clicks the link and then proceeds to download RoboForm will be counted as one of your users.
    Prohibited Advertising TechniquesAny use of these advertising techniques will lead to immediate termination of your Affiliate account and to forfeiture of payments that are due:
    Using spam to promote RoboForm (Spam being defined in CAN-SPAM US federal law). Basically, any mass unsolicited promotional electronic communication to a person with whom you have no prior business relationship is considered to be spam. You can use opt-in email lists to promote RoboForm, as long you acquired customer email as a result of existing business relationship.
    Placing ads in search engines and their affiliates that are shown when user searches for "RoboForm". Content-based matching on word "RoboForm" is also prohibited.
    Popping up ads for RoboForm in Instant Messengers.
    Popping "Download RoboForm" window automatically when user enters a web page. User must click Download link. Since we do not count started downloads (we count completed installs), this technique will not increase your referrals.


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    LinkBuddies® eMarketing

    LinkBuddies® eMarketing Tip of the Day:
    Check Your Competitors’ Pages to See How They Rank Using The Same Keywords You’ve Chosen.
    Analyze competitor’s pages with the highest ranking using your keywords. Analyze the page composit...
    Join Now

    Established 1997, LinkBuddies® is one of the largest and oldest free banner exchanges on the Internet. We are one of the first movers in the industry who is still proudly and vigorously forging ahead. Several years of experience has led us to discover exactly just what you need. That's why LinkBuddies® offers you more FREE features than any other banner exchange.

    Whether you are a Web novice or a Webmaster joining LinkBuddies®, you are guaranteed to be part of a caring and friendly LinkBuddies® family that will 'Bring the World to your Web page.'
    Click Here

    Click here for LinkBuddies

    Make money by displaying banners on your Web site. BuddyBanking is a new LinkBuddies feature for you to earn extra CASH!

    Here is how it works:
    Each LinkBuddies member gets an exchange rate according to the click through rate of the banners show on your Web site. For example, your exchange rate may be 4: 3. — meaning, for every 4 banners you display on your Web site, LinkBuddies will display your banners 3 times (3 banner credits) on someone else's Web sites.

    With BuddyBanking, you can sell back to LinkBuddies some percentage (BuddyBank Setting) of those earned banner credits. That is, instead of having LinkBuddies show your banner on someone else's Web site one time, you can sell your unused banner credits back to us.
    Take advantage of BuddyBanking now! Click Here to see how you can start earning cash today!

    What is a BuddyBank Balance?

    Under the Balance tab of the BuddyBank section, you will see your BuddyBank Balance, which shows

    1. The number of impressions we've purchased from you and at what price.
    2. The current BuddyBank balance you have at the time.
    3. The next payment processing date. (The next time that we will send you payment. )

    Please note that LinkBuddies will only process your payment once you have a balance of $50 or more.

    You need to set up your BuddyBank setting to activate your BuddyBank Balance. LinkBuddies runs its BuddyBanker once a day, and may not run it every day. Based on the day's rate, the BuddyBanker will grab whatever percent of your credits you've chosen to sell (your BuddyBank Setting) -- out of the credits you earned that day. Join Now


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    ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite

    With ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite You Get:

    Network and Program Firewall. Delivers proactive firewall protection with multiple layers of security that stop inbound, outbound, and program attacks while remaining completely invisible to hackers.

    Operating System Firewall (OSFirewall™) . Protects your Windows operating system from attacks all the way down to its core.

    Integrated Anti-Spyware and Antivirus. Updates, scans and removes spyware, viruses, worms and other malware from your computer in one integrated process.

    SmartDefense™ Service. Provides your PC with real-time security updates and new attack protection capabilities.

    Identity Theft Protection. Secures your private information on your PC, on the Internet, and in the physical world. Free services help you discover and recover from identity theft.

    Email Security. Quarantines suspicious email attachments and blocks outbound messages containing potential viruses.

    Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing. Automatically stops dangerous phishing emails and spam from getting into your inbox.

    IM Protection and Parental Control. Blocks spammers, thieves, and online predators from IM sessions; filters content for children, employees, and others.

    Automatic Wireless Security. Automatically detects wireless networks and secures your PC from hackers and other Internet threats.

    Click here buy
    ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite
    Price: USD 49.95
    Shipment: Download, License key
    Platform: Windows 2000, Windows XP
    Version: 6.5
    Language: English
    Option: Backup CD [Info]
    Extended Download (Duration: 12 months)[Info]
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    Sunday, August 19, 2007

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    Adding Page Links

    You may want to add links to some of your pages on your other pages, here are some details.

    For menu editing click here

    Adding a normal link:
    To add a normal link to a page, use the following code:

    Then you can make a copy of one of your existing pages and name it "newpage.htm".

    IMPORTANT TIP: To be sure you are linking the exact file name: In Windows Explorer find and highlight the file you want to create a link for. For example, you have made a copy of the "about.htm" and you have named it "company.htm". Or perhaps you have a PDF file named "July 28th 2005-Quarterly Commitment Report.pdf". Highlight this file, then on your keyboard select the "F2" key. Now hit "copy" on the menu and the ESC (so you don't rename the file). Now you can paste the exact link name into your HTML page or .js file rather than having to re-type the name for the link. On some Microsoft keyboards you will need to click the "F Lock" key first to do the rename.

    Adding a link to another website:
    To add a link to another website like "Visit Yahoo!" for example, use the following code:

    Adding an E-mail link:
    If you add your e-mail to one of the pages, search engines can see it and you may receive more spam mail. The following code uses Javascript so your e-mail is not seen on the page. Copy and paste the following code:

    This is how the above will appear on your webpage:

    Adding links to other file types:
    You can also add links to other file types like .pdf, .wav, .wmv, .rm, .ram, .jpg or any other file type you normally see on the web. You will use the same basic code as the "normal link" seen above. Below are a couple of examples:

    Then you will put the file you are linking to in your website folder. When another file type is opened by one of your users the appropriate application will open on the users computer. Keep in mind that for example, if you click on a .wmv movie file it may open windows media player on your computer, but it might open quicktime on another computer. It all depends on what application is associated for which file on the given computer.

    Related Topics:
    New Window Target Links
    Links Not Working After an Edit
    Editing the Menus



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    Optimizing Your Pages For Search Engines

    There are a few edits that you will want to do either in Notepad or in "HTML view" to improve your ranking in the search engines.

    Submitting your website: | Click for details
    Your website will not be automatically listed at Google and other search engines. You must submit your website to get listed.

    Title tags: | Help for editing your title tags
    The title on each page is the most important part of any webpage for getting a good search engine ranking. An effective title will get you a higher listing in the search engines. Try to use a couple of keywords but do not let your title get too long. Keep in mind that the title is also what people will see first when searching and it must make sense for users to click on your link.

    Keyword meta tags: | Help for editing your keywords
    As of this writing, Google and many other search engines do NOT read your keywords to list your pages. You may still want to edit your keyword "meta" tags but you do not need to spend too much time on this.

    Site meta description: | More details
    At the top of every HTML page included in all Allwebco templates you will find a meta name="Description". This area is read by Google and most search engines and is what users see when searching. It is very important to edit this area with a description of your site, service or product. This area should include keywords but should also make sense so users will know what your site is about and click your link when searching. If it does not make sense users will usually avoid your link.

    Image alt tags:
    As of this writing, Google and most other search engines DO read image "alt" tags. You will want to edit or add these tags to every image on your webpages. In Notepad you can do a "edit" "find" and find "img" to check all of these. Below is a sample of an image with an alt tag included:

    Be sure to edit the "Add important key phrases here" like in the above example with your keywords on your pages.

    NOTE: You will also want to use sentences for the alt tags and not use the same phrase over and over if possible. You may get penalized for spamming keywords.

    Linking to all your pages:
    The menu.js file included with Allwebco templates is not read by search engines, so most Allwebco templates include either a "site map" page linked from your "index.html" that links to all other pages, or, in some models a text link path is setup starting from the "index.html". It is best not to remove any text links on your template home page.

    Option #1. Best linking solution. For info on creating a sitemap so all pages on your website will be indexed by search engines check out

    Option #2. Best linking solution. Add visible links on your index.html to either your site map page or to all your other pages. See the add links support page. See also "Normal page links" below.

    Option #3. If your template does not include a "site_map.htm". Make a copy of any template page, for example copy the about page. Make this page a sitemap page. Add a link to every page on your site on this page, then either submit this page to Google separately when you submit your domain, or add one link on your index.html to this page.

    Option #4. Best linking solution. Check the Webmaster Tools at Google for adding a sitemap to your website:

    Option #5. Linking solution. Instead of linking all your pages, you can submit every page individually on your site. It's best to only submit each page one time.

    Option #6. Linking solution. Add images with links or links to all images on your "index.html" or website homepage. See the adding images to a page support page for details.

    Normal page links: | Help for adding page links
    Many search engines also give more weight to links than to other page copy. What you may want to do, in addition to having plenty of copy on your homepage is also add normal text links to your pages as well with keywords in the link name. Here is an example:

    Add the above link to the main body of your index.html or any of your other pages.

    TIPS: Page Copy:
    If you can, try to have plenty of text on at least one page at your site with a long article about your service or product. Include words and phrases that might be searched for often. This can be a great help with your rankings. Be sure to link this page from your homepage or site map with a text link or image link. If you do not the page may not be found.

    Many on-line articles indicate that "headings" tags may improve your webpage rankings at Google. Check this website for details on adding H tags.

    TIPS: The Homepage:
    Keep in mind that search engines, as of this writing, give the most weight to your home page or index.html. Be sure you include plenty of copy (text) on this page or plenty of "alt" tags and links to your other pages. See above sections.

    TIPS: Using different titles: | Help for editing your title tags
    For better results, try to have different titles on each of your pages. Use a couple of keywords for each title but do not let them get too long. Keep in mind that the title is also what people will see first when searching and it must make sense for users to click on your link.

    TIPS: Change titles and content: | Help for editing your title tags
    If you can, change your page copy at least once a month and also change your title tags. Google and some other search engines give your website a better ranking if it is perceived to be current information.

    TIPS: Local searches:
    Add local towns to your page copy, titles and "alt" tags so there is less competition for your business. Keep in mind that people may be searching for your product by town or city. This will cut the competition down to your area only if you add every local town, county, city and state to either your page copy, titles or your "alt" tags. This can be very effective. You may want to get out a map and find every town in your area. Perhaps even create a page just listing the towns you service and call it your "service area" page. Be sure to link this page from your homepage with a text link or site map as described above. If you do not the page may not be found.

    Nielsen NetRatings Search Engine Ratings:
    Below is a pie chart for most popular search engines for December 2006. The Nielsen NetRatings reporting service measures the search behavior of more than a million people worldwide. These web surfers have real-time meters on their computers which monitor the sites they visit. This information is compiled to produce NetRatings results.

    Nielsen NetRatings Rankings for Dec 2006

    Table 1: Top 10 Search Providers for December 2006,
    Ranked by Searches (U.S.)

    Provider Searches Growth Share
    Google Search 3,035,617 22.6% 50.8%
    Yahoo! Search 1,412,904 30.1% 23.6%
    MSN/Windows Live Search 499,946 -9.7% 8.4%
    AOL Search 362,140 7.8% 6.1%
    My Way Search 141,527 4.7% 2.4% Search 128,452 17.2% 2.1%
    EarthLink Search 31,930 17.6% 0.5% Search 30,487 2.1% 0.5%
    Comcast Search 26,931 N/A 0.5%
    NexTag Search 26,835 123.2% 0.4%

    Source: Nielsen//NetRatings MegaView Search, January 2007

    Related Topics:
    Submitting your site to the search engines
    Editing your title and meta tags

    Related Websites:
    META Tag Analyzer
    Optimization at A List Apart
    Google Webmaster Guidelines



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    Submitting Your Website to Search Engines

    If you have Allwebco hosting we do provide a free service to submit your website to the free search engines. please contact hosting for more info.

    View the Danny Sullivan Mar 12, 2007 submission article at SearchEngineWatch

    Search Engine Basic Submission:
    It can take up to two weeks to be listed at Google. Other search engines can take up to 6 months.

    Submit to Google
    Submit to Yahoo!
    Submit to MSN
    Submit to the Open Directory Project

    Alltheweb uses Yahoo! Submit
    Altavista uses Yahoo! Submit
    AOL uses Google Submit
    The Ask Jeeves/Teoma agent automatically crawls the Web, so if you have links pointing at your site from other sites, it will get included naturally.

    Faster Search Engine Listings:
    If you want to get listed faster in major search engines you can check out the following submission services:

    Yahoo! Search Submit (this service has be around since 1996)
    Add Me!

    You can also try some searches at Google for Website Submission.

    Top Pay Per Click Websites:
    For guaranteed top listings check out the following pay-per-click programs:

    Google AdWords
    Yahoo! Search Marketing
    Microsoft adCenter
    Enhance Pay-per-click

    Nielsen NetRatings Search Engine Ratings:
    For more details on search engine ratings click here.

    Nielsen NetRatings Rankings for July 2005

    Related Topics:
    Optimizing your pages for search engines
    Editing your title and meta tags



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