A page counter can be added to any Allwebco template. Here are a few free counter services available.
Precision Counter:
The following counter gives you hit stats if you click on the counter below (we did not password protect our stats). Very easy to setup on any webpage. This counter is from PrecisionCounter.com.
Cyber Counter:
The following counter is super easy to add to any webpage but does include an advertisement link. This counter is from Cyber Counter.
Amazing Counters:
The following counter is easy to add to any webpage but does include an advertisement link. This counter is from Amazing Counters.
007 Counters:
The following counter is easy to add to any webpage but does include a link to the counter site. This counter is from 007 Counters.
Rite Counter:
This looks like a nice counter service. At the time of this writing this service was temporarily unavailable. Check this at Rite Counter.
BIGGER BETTER STATS: If you have Allwebco hosting:
If you have Allwebco hosting then you can install comprehensive statistics in your control panel to track all hits, where they are from and even what people are searching for. Click here for details on the programs, or click here for installation instructions.
STATS: If do not have Allwebco hosting:
If your site is hosted with another company, you can probably add a page counter or install stats. Your hosting company may provide these scripts. Try contacting your hosting company for details. Or, there are many free counter services available on the web. Try a search for "free hit counter" at Google or any other search engine.