Saturday, September 22, 2007

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Free PHP Hosting Services

The graph chart below shows a list of free PHP hosts that a custom PHP benchmark script has been run on which calculated the average execution times in milliseconds (ms) after 12 runs at 5-second intervals, and removing the highest and lowest completion times of the benchmarked hosts. The test results from the PHP performance benchmark script are sorted from best (fastest; lowest PHP execution times) to the worst (slowest; highest numbers). There are currently about 100 Free PHP Web Hosting sites listed with reviews in our database, but these are some of the more popular ones that I still have a free web hosting account on.

The Free PHP benchmark performance script (download free) that was used for benchmarking the free PHP web hosting services performs some simple math and string functions 20,000 times each, and measures how long it takes to complete the PHP execution (this speed calculation does not include MySQL database queries or page loading times). This was repeated 12 times via a Javascript redirect to the script again, with 5 second delays. Then the average completion time was computed after removing the highest and lowest script execution times (in other words, the benchmark score is the average of the middle 10 scores).

Note that several of these benchmarked free PHP hosts have free hosting accounts on multiple servers, so the benchmark test results / speeds may vary greatly on their other web servers. Also the results could vary depending on the site's peak hours and varying server load at the moment. The PHP benchmarks data below was gathered August 24, 2006, or later, for all freehosts listed. I was very surprised at the fastest free hosts listed. In fact, several of the fastest free web servers below were faster than a very expensive managed dedicated server I rent, and much faster than the dedicated web hosting server this website is hosted on.

Free PHP Host
(Review Page)
Benchmark (ms)
(Lowest = Best)
Benchmark Graph
(Shortest = Best)
ByetHost 27 27
Best-Free-Webspace 32 32
FreeHostia 37 37
110mb 38 38
12GbFree 39 39
007iHost 41 41
4444mb 42 42 44 44
ZendURL 44 44
Kwik-PHP 44 44
Joolo 48 48
Ipdz 48 48
Quotaless 49 49
Free-PHP-Webhosting 50 50
Synced 53 53
Free-Hosting-Now 55 55
FreeWeb-7 55 55
FreeHosting-Now 57 57
HomeBlock 58 58
iFastNet 59 59
AtbHost 60 60
X10Hosting 61 61
007WebPro 63 63
PhpNet 64 64
My-Place 64 64
Fr33Webhosting 69 69
AgilityHoster 69 69
LeadHoster 69 69
100Webspace 91 91
AwardSpace 92 92
1111mb 101 101
4000Webs 112 112
Php0h 119 119
275mb 123 123
NetFast 125 125
Xlphp 127 127
ProPHP 131 131
3000mb 139 139
Tripod_uk 141 141



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Free PHP Webhosting Servers

General details about all free web hosts with PHP

Free Web Host Language Web Space Forced Ads Upload Scripting Your URL Notes
007WebPro English 7 GB Banner FTP, Browser PHP Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 7 GB/month. MySQL databases. LayeredPanel control panel. Automated PHP application installer. Website statistics. File size limit 250 KB. 31-days Inactivity limit. Instant activation. 007 Web Pro accepts only English language websites.
110mb English 2 GB No ads FTP, Browser PHP Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 100 GB/month. MySQL database (requires forum posting or fee). PHP script installers like Fantastico. File size limit 5 MB. Add-on domain name.
225 mb English 225 MB Banner-Top FTP, Browser PHP Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 10 GB/month. Cpanel, Fantastico. MySQL databases. Email. 30-days Inactivity limit. English web sites only allowed.
Atb Host English 333 MB No ads (text-links to be added later) Browser PHP Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 30 GB/month. Xpanel control panel. MySQL database, PHPMyAdmin. 1-click phpBB, WordPress installers. Website statistics. File size limit 1 MB.
AwardSpace English 200 MB No ads FTP, Browser CGI, PHP, SSI, Front Page Server Extensions, Perl Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 5 GB/month. MySQL database. POP3, Web-based Email. Autoresponders. Addon domains. File size limit 500 KB. Traffic Statistics. Password-protected files. Fantastico-like scripts installer. Instant activation.
Best Free WebSpace English 20,000 MB Banners FTP, Browser PHP Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 300 GB per month. MySQL databases. LayeredPanel. Add-on domain names. Instant free hosting activation.
ByetHost English 100 MB - 250 MB No ads (bannerless) FTP, Browser PHP Domain or Subdomain MySQL databases. POP3, Web-based Email, and Forwarding. Bandwidth limit 20000 - 30 GB/month. Free website statistics. Addon domains. No file size limit. VHCS control panel, Zantastico. 30-days Inactivity limit. Instant free webspace hosting activation.
Free Hostia English 250 MB No ads FTP, Browser CGI, PHP, SSI, Front Page Server Extensions, Perl Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 5 GB/month. POP3, Forwarding, Web-based Email. Auto-responders. SpamAssassin. MySQL database. Addon domain names. Statistics. Elefante installer. Instant activation. File size limit 500 KB. 30-days Inactivity limit. Custom error pages.
Free PHP Web Hosting English 1000 MB No banners or ads FTP, Browser PHP5 Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 10 GB/month. Awstats web site statistics. Layered Panel websitel panel (LayeredPanel control panel). MySQL databases.
Free WebHosting 360 English 3600 MB Banner-Top FTP, Browser PHP Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 3.6 GB/month. LayeredPanel website hosting panel. MySQL databases. Multiple free webhosting accounts allowed. Host additional domains free.
FreeWeb 7 English 7000 MB No ads FTP, Browser PHP5 Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 65 GB/month. LayeredPanel control panel. MySQL databases and 1-click script auto-installers. Instant activation.
Free WebHosting Pro English 5000 MB No ads FTP, Browser PHP Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 20 GB/month. LayeredPanel. MySQL databases. Instant activation of FreeWebHosting accounts.
HelioHost English 150+ MB Banner-Top FTP, Browser CGI, PHP, SSI, Front Page Server Extensions, Perl Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 1500+ MB/month. Cpanel, Fantastico. Unlimited addon domains. POP3 Email, Spam Assassin. Statistics, raw logs. Cron jobs allowed. Unlimited MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. Custom error pages. SSL Secure server.
Joolo English 1000 MB Button-Bottom FTP, Browser PHP Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 10 GB/month. LayeredPanel control panel. MySQL databases. Host Add-on domain names. AWstats statistics.
Lead Hoster English 250 MB No adds FTP, Browser CGI, Perl, PHP, SSI, Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 6 GB/month. Custom control panel. POP3, IMAP, Web-based Email, Auto-responders, Spam e-mail filters. MySQL database. Addon domain names. Website statistics. (New Sites) English 20 GB Banner FTP, Browser PHP Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 300 GB/month. Layered Panel control panel. MySQL databases, PHP 5.
ProfuseHost English 2 GB Banner-Top FTP, Browser CGI, PHP, SSI, Front Page Extensions, Perl, Python, Ruby Domain or Subdomain Cpanel. Bandwidth limit 100 GB/month. PostgreSQL, MySQL databases. PhpMyAdmin, phpPgAdmin. Web-based Email, Forwarding, Auto-responders. Webalizer, Analog, AWStats web statistics. Password-protected files. Ruby on Rails. .htaccess. Addon domains. Backup.
Quotaless English Unlimited Banners-Top FTP, Browser PHP Domain or Subdomain Virtually unlimited bandwidth. LayeredPanel control panel. Zantastico 1-click script installer for over 20 popular forums/CMS scripts. MySQL database, phpMyAdmin. Awstats website statistics.
RipWay English 30 MB No ads FTP, Browser PHP /you Bandwidth limit 750 MB/month (25 MB/day). Instant activation. Online file storage allowed. 30-days Inactivity limit. Filesize limit 10 MB.
Synced English 300 MB Banner FTP, Browser CGI, PHP, SSI, Front Page Extensions, Perl Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 35 GB/month. Cpanel, Fantastico. PSQL and MySQL databases. Custom error pages. No file sizelimit. POP3, Forwarding, Web-based Email. Free web site statistics. Addon domains. .htaccess files supported. English websites only.
T35 English Unlimited Popup FTP, Browser PHP, SSI Subdomain Unlimited bandwidth (unmetered). All file types allowed. File size limit 500 KB. No inactivity limit. Monthly backups of free websites. English 1024 MB (1 GB) Frame + Popup FTP, Browser PHP, SSI, Front Page Server Extensions /you MySQL database. Statistics. Unlimited bandwidth. Unlimited file size. Custom error pages. Web-based Email. Instant activation.
Ueuo English 200 MB Popunder once per user FTP, Browser PHP, SSI Domain or Subdomain Unmetered bandwidth. Xpanel. MySQL database, preinstalled phpMyAdmin. Custom error pages. File size limit 10 MB. Statistics. Php mail enabled. Email. Cron jobs. Addon domains. Multiple accounts allowed. Instant free webspace hosting activation.
X10Hosting English 300+ MB No banners or ads FTP, Browser, SiteCopier CGI, PHP, ASP, SSI, Front Page Server Extensions, Perl, Python Domain or Subdomain Bandwidth limit 10 GB/month, upgradeable. Cpanel, Fantastico del luxe. MySQL databases. AwStats Statistics. POP3, SMTP, Forwarding, Web-based Email, PHP Sendmail. Spam Assassin. Add-on domains. Cronjobs.

Directories of free web hosting providers:

Free Web Hosting - Has searchable database of free web space providers with user reviews & ratings. Also has webmaster tools, domain name registration price comparison chart, domain name tools, and directory and reviews of free image hosting services.

Free Webhosting - Directory guide of free website providers, and powerful database search; Also has reviews of cheap webhosting providers and useful webhosting tools.

Free Hosting - Searchable database with reviews of free webspace providers offering personal websites in English.

Free Web Space - Searchable database of free webspace hosting providers with reviews and details listing web space, bandwidth limit, and other webhosting features. Their website info is available in several languages/translations.

Free Web Hosts - Listing of free webspace providers with reviews. Also has detailed comparison charts of cheap webhosts and free web-based file storage services.

Free Websites - Directory and reviews of free web page hosting services and free website hosting companies, as well as online storage and webmaster resources for building and promoting websites.


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Free PHP Hosting

PHP environment details for tested free webhosts

The free PHP hosting comparison chart below was compiled from phpinfo() files on test accounts of the free webspace hosts, and are subject to change as the free website hosts update their PHP software configurations.

Free Web Host PHP
100 Webspace 4.4.0 MySQL 3.23.56 Enabled Off 30 2.0.15 compatible 8/22/2007
110 mb 5.1.6 MySQL 5.0.27 Off Off 10 2.0.28 compatible 7/4/2007
12 Gb Free 5.1.6 MySQL 5.0.27 Off On 20 2.0.28 compatible 9/21/2007
3000 mb 4.4.1 MySQL 4.1.22 Enabled Off 20 - 6/15/2007
789 mb 5.1.6 MySQL 5.0.41 Off On 20 2.0.28 compatible 9/21/2007
ATB Host 5.1.6 MySQL 5.0.27 Enabled On 20 - 5/4/2007
Award Space 4.4.1 MySQL 4.0.24 Enabled Off 30 2.0 or higher 4/12/2007
Best Free Web Space 5.1.6 MySQL 5.0.27 Off On 20 2.0.28 compatible 9/11/2007
Byet Host 5.2.3 MySQL 5.0.38 Off On 20 2.0 or higher 6/15/2007
Free Hostia 4.4.0 MySQL 3.23.56 Enabled Off 30 2.0.28 compatible 5/7/2007
Free PHP Web Hosting 5.1.6 MySQL 5.0.27 Off On 30 2.0.28 compatible 6/30/2007
Free WebHosting Pro 5.1.6 MySQL 5.0.27 Off On 20 2.0.28 compatible 7/25/2007
FreeWeb 7 5.1.6 MySQL 5.0.27 Off On 20 2.0.28 compatible 7/24/2007
Joolo 5.1.6 MySQL 5.0.27 Off On 20 2.0.28 compatible 7/10/2007
Lead Hoster 4.4.2 MySQL 4.1.11 Enabled Off 30 2.0 or higher 6/15/2007
Synced 4.4.4 MySQL 4.1.22 Enabled Off 30 2.0.28 compatible 9/21/2007 4.4.6
phpinfo disabled now
MySQL ? Off On 10 ? 2.0 or higher 5/28/2007
X10 Hosting 5.2.3
phpinfo is disabled
MySQL 4.1.22 ? ? ? ? 8/20/2007

Directories of free web hosting providers:

Free Web Hosting - Has searchable database of free webspace providers with user reviews & ratings. Also has sections for free PHP web hosting sites, webmaster tools, domain name registration price comparison chart, domain name tools, and directory and reviews of free image hosting websites.

Free Webspace - Searchable database of free hosting providers with reviews and details listing web space, bandwidth limit, and other features. Website info is available in several languages.

Best Free Webspace - Reviews and ratings of the 100 most recommended, best free web page hosting companies, with searchable database.

Free Hosting - Searchable database with reviews of free webspace providers and free homepage hosting servers offering personal websites in English, with chart of free PHP hosting services.

Free Webhosting - Directory guide of free website providers, and powerful database search; Also has reviews of cheap webhosting providers and useful webhosting tools.

Free Website - Directory and reviews of free website hosting companies, as well as online storage and webmaster resources for building and promoting websites.

Free Webhosts - Alphabetical listing of free webspace providers with reviews. Also has detailed comparison charts of cheap webhosts and free web-based file storage services.


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PHP Random Text 1.1

  • By: Nate Baldwin
  • For: PHP

Version 1.1 update changed to allow more than one instance of random content per page (up to 250 instances allowed).

This is a tutorial and free script to let you import random text of your choosing from a text file using PHP. You can import from an unlimited number of separate text blocks and can use either plain text, or HTML code. It requires that PHP be installed and running on your server. Below is a block of example text that uses this script (from 10 different text blocks). Refresh the page to see it load new text into the box...

Coming up with fun and exciting random text is, well, fun and exciting.

To get started download the script and example text files.

Decompress the .sit or .zip file, and you should find a GetRandomText.php and random.txt files. First, let's set up the random.txt file.


This is a simple text file that you'll enter all you random text into. Open the example file, and you should see about ten lines of text separated by a *divider* string. Basically, you'll just want to open the file (in any text or HTML editor) and enter all the text you'd like to have imported randomly, and put a few characters in front of each line so the script knows where to separate them. It doesn't matter what character (or characters) you use as long as they don't appear anywhere else in the text. I like to use a string of characters so it's less likely to have an accidental match. For this example, I used *divider* (the word divider between to asterisks).

For this text file, you can either enter plain text or HTML code. You can even use HTML image tags if you want to import random images with the same script. Save the text file, and now we're ready to move on to the PHP script.


You shouldn't need to make any changes to the PHP code in this file.

This file holds all the PHP code. There's very little you need to do to the file, except to tell it where the random.txt file is (in case you've moved it or changed its name), and tell it what the separation character (or characters) are that you used to divide your text blocks.

Open the GetRandomText.php file in any text or web editor (like Notepad, GoLive, Dreamweaver, etc.) and find line 5 of the script. It should by default look something like...

$MPTextFile = "random.txt";

By default, you don't have to change anything here, but if you changed the name of the random.txt file, you'll want to enter the new name of the file here inside double quotation marks. Next, enter the separation character(s) on line 6...

$MPSepString = "*divider*";

Make sure the character(s) are still inside double quote marks, and don't use double quotes anywhere in your separation string. Line 7 has one more editable option...

$MPTextToHTML = false;

If your random.txt file has HTML code in it at all, you'll want to leave this set to false. If your random.txt file has just plain text, then you'll want to change it to true (no quotation marks) so it can convert special HTML characters (such as " quotes, & ampersands, etc.) to their HTML equivalents.

If this options is set to false, then the script assumes you'll be supplying your own HTML code and will go ahead and strip any HTML, HEAD and BODY tags for you automatically and just bring in the blocks of code by themselves.

Using the Script

Now we're ready to use the script in our page. For best results, upload both the GetRandomText.php and random.txt file to the same folder as the page that you're importing the random text into. Then, make sure that your main page that imports the text has a .php extension (or whatever other extension your server required to run embedded PHP scripts).

Next, insert the following PHP code into your page (in HTML source code view) anywhere that you want to import random content:

$MPTextFile = "random.txt";
$MPSepString = "*divider*";
$MPTextToHTML = false;
MPPrintRandomText($MPTextFile, $MPSepString, $MPTextToHTML);

The "include_once()" line imports the PHP from the GetRandomText.php file. If this file is not in the same folder as your page that's doing the importing, this will need to show the true path from the import page to your GetRandomText.php page instead of just the file name.

The next three lines are variables that control the script options. If you aren't using the default settings and file names, you will need to change the values of these variables as follows:

$MPTextFile = "random.txt";

By default, you don't have to change anything here, but if you changed the name of the random.txt file, you'll want to enter the new name of the file here inside double quotation marks. Next, enter the separation character(s) on line 6...

$MPSepString = "*divider*";

Make sure the character(s) are still inside double quote marks, and don't use double quotes anywhere in your separation string.

$MPTextToHTML = false;

If your random.txt file has HTML code in it at all, you'll want to leave this set to false. If your random.txt file has just plain text, then you'll want to change it to true (no quotation marks) so it can convert special HTML characters (such as " quotes, & ampersands, etc.) to their HTML equivalents.

Since PHP is a server-side language, the script will more than likely not work on your local machine until you upload the files to your server and test from there in your web browser. If you run into any problems, you're welcome to post a question in our Support Forum.

Good luck!



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