SVG is way to describe graphics in XML format. I have been playing around with it lately hoping to use it to add graphs to Adsense Notifier. But graphs, as useful as they can be, are terribly boring. So I have started to see just how far I can push SVG and what it will let me do.
In order to view the files, you will either need an SVG plug-in for IE, or versions of Firefox 1.5 and above have native support (another excuse to try the browser everyone is talking about!).
Both examples below use JavaScript and the SVG DOM to create the XML on the fly. I don’t think that either of these are what the intended use of SVG is for, but then what fun things are? Another neat thing to note, is that the text with the SVG and JavaScript is about 1/3 the size of the thumbnails.
“3d” SVG Example. - This example makes a faux 3d field of cubes and shows off using onmouseover effects and transparency.
Animated Fire Example - Recreates the Fire effect used in many BBS Demos way back when. Creates both the field of boxes, as well as the animated Fire effect on the fly.
Feel free to view the source and play around with them, even though they are only snippets I have released them under the GPL license. Let me know if you make anything fun with them!
Further resources:
Croczilla SVG Samples
Mozilla SVG Project