To Add Right Click Protection
Add the following code to the top of any web page anywhere between the [head> and < /head> tags. This can be added to any .html page or the slideshow.htm.
To prevent right click in the pop-up windows. Edit the "pop-closeup.js" in Notepad and add these lines just before the [body bgcolor=" # etc...>
To Remove Right Click Protection
To remove right click protection from a gallery, web page or pop-up, simply remove the above code from your webpages, slideshow.htm and pop-closeup.js.
Adding More Secure Right Click Protection
The scripts below are for right click protection in most browsers and is a more secure script than is added to most Allwebco templates.
HTML code for IE, Firefox and Netscape
The following script will disable right click in most browsers. Copy and paste this at the top of any web page anywhere between the [head> and < /head> tags. This can be added to any .html page or the slideshow.htm.
.js code for IE, Firefox and Netscape
The following script will disable right click in most browsers. Copy and paste this code into a .js file like your header.js. Generally this can go anywhere in a .js file. For templates with popup window type image viewers, see the pop-closeup.js code in the next section.
In a pop-closeup.js ONLY for IE, Firefox and Netscape
The following code is only for templates with popup window image or mp3 viewers and should only be added to a "pop-closeup.js". In most cases this should replace existing code. See "code to replace" below.
Code to replace:
If you are adding more secure right click protection in a "pop-closeup.js" you will replace the code below with the code shown above:
NOTE: Be sure to make a backup of your "pop-closeup.js" before you start editing.