Thursday, August 16, 2007

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Professional Movie Trailer Code Setup

Adding movie code to any webpage can be tricky. Different browsers do not support different movie file types and can cause problems if not setup correctly. Below is industry standard .mov video code for displaying a movie a trailer on a website.

NOTES: Active X Messages: In the newest version of IE you may want to add the code on this page into a .js file to stop "click to activate" messages. For help adding items to .js files click here.

Movie trailer file type and code
Typically movie websites will use .mov files for the highest viewing compatibility. Below is the code to use for a .mov file.

Select and copy the code below. Paste this into any webpage. Edit "" in 2 places. Adjust the height and width in 2 places.

How this will display
The above Quicktime code will display on your page like the image below. If not, adjust the height and width in 2 places until you see the controls and video.

The above is code used on most professional movie trailer type websites. You can use a .mpg file instead of a .mov file but the code will then be less browser compatible. The reason you edit everything in 2 places is because the "OBJECT" code is typically used by IE and the "EMBED" is used by most other browsers.

Test! Test! Test!
Always test in at least 2 browsers. Internet Explorer and either Firefox or Netscape.

Be professional and give them a choice
The code above will work in most browsers, however, you may want to give your viewers a choice. Create 2 new pages, setup one page with the code above and a .mov file. The, setup a .wmv or .mpg video on the other page using the code below. Then add links for users to choose on your video page that link to these 2 different pages. The above is "Quicktime" video, the code below is "Windows Media" code.

Windows video. Your second choice
For the code below a .wmv video file is the best choice. A .mpg would be your second choice.

Right click in the window below and "select all" then choose "copy". Paste this into any webpage. Edit "your-filename.wmv" in 2 places. Adjust the height and width in 2 places.

How this will display
The above Windows code will display on your page like the image below. If not, adjust the height and width in 2 places until you see the controls and video.


  1. When editing this type of code always edit the filename and height and width in 2 places.
  2. Generally do not add both sets of code above on the same page.
  3. It is recommended that you do not use this code on a homepage. It's best to always link to pages with the code above.
  4. Always test in at least 2 browsers. Internet Explorer and either Firefox or Netscape.

Related Topics:
Using the Gallery to Display Other File Types
Welcome Message Add-on

Related Websites:
Windows logo usage
Quicktime logo usage


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